Benefits Amla :-Eating amla daily on an empty stomach cures these eight diseases.

Benefits of eating amla daily

Amla is a fruit which is known for its medicinal properties. It is the best source of Vitamin C and many other nutrients are also found in it. Consuming Amla has many health benefits. Today we are going to give you information about the various health benefits of Amla.

Following are some of the major benefits of eating Amla:

1. Increases immunity:-

Amla is rich in Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. It helps strengthen the body's immune system and increases the body's ability to fight infections. People who consume Amla and Amla juice daily, their immunity is much better than the immunity of common people.

2. Improves eyesight:-

 Amla contains nutrients like Vitamin C, carotene and lutein which help in improving eyesight. Consuming Amla can reduce the risk of eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration. Along with this, it also works to reduce the bad changes that occur in the eyes with age.

Benefits of eating amla daily

3. Beneficial for skin-

 Vitamin C, antioxidants and other nutrients are found in Amla which are beneficial for the skin. Consuming Amla increases the glow of the skin, helps in reducing wrinkles and fine lines and its consumption can protect the skin from infections.

If you include Vala in your daily routine, you will see huge changes in your skin. You can eat Amla in the form of juice or you can also eat it whole. Consuming one or two Amla daily is enough.

4.Beneficial for hair -

Vitamin C, protein and other nutrients are found in Amla which are beneficial for hair. If you consume Amla, it prevents hair fall and strengthens the hair roots. Regular consumption of Amla makes the hair thick and strong.

Benefits of eating amla daily

Amla works as a tonic for hair. Amla is a wonderful thing for those people who have problem of dandruff, hair breakage and fall or graying of hair.For this you will have to mix Amla juice in Multani Mitti and then apply it on the head. Wait for some time and wash your head. This will make the hair soft and supple.

5.Beneficial for the digestive system-

Amla contains good amount of fiber, which is beneficial for the digestive system. Consuming Amla can provide relief from constipation, indigestion and other digestive problems.

If you have the problem of constipation then Amla Murabba is no less than a gift for you.It helps in cleaning the stomach. Amla is a very good thing for people who have stomach ulcer.

6.Controls blood pressure-

Amla contains good amount of potassium, which helps in controlling blood pressure. Consuming Amla can reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

7.Beneficial in diabetes-

Antioxidants and other nutrients are found in Amla which can help in managing diabetes. Consuming Amla can help in controlling blood sugar level

Benefits of eating amla daily

8.Cancer prevention-

Amla contains good amount of antioxidants, which can help prevent cancer. Consuming Amla can reduce the risk of various types of cancer, such as lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Some suggestions for eating Amla-

  • Amla can be eaten raw, fresh or dried.
  •  Amla juice, murabba, chutney or curry etc. can also be made.
  • Consuming Amla in the morning on an empty stomach provides the most benefits.

Disadvantages of Amla:

Amla is a safe fruit, but some people may have allergies after eating Amla. Amla is rich in calcium, hence people who have the problem of high calcium levels should limit their intake of Amla.

Overall, Amla is a fruit that is known for its medicinal properties. Consuming Amla has many health benefits.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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